For some people, doing the right thing is just something that comes naturally, whether it is for someone they know or just as a random act of kindness. Take a look at these touching stories below and get yourself ready to be inspired.

1. A pre-paid snack waiting for the next customer at the vending machine.


2. Taking some time off from your day to actually fix what you have broken.


3. Being thoughtful to others when you have something that someone else doesn’t have.


4. Being able to enjoy something you love due to the thoughtful efforts of others.


5. Using your personal power to care for those who are in need.


6. Taking the time to explain a difficult situation to your neighbors and then doing something thoughtful for them as well.


7. Kind people doing the right thing just because it is the right thing to do.


8. Noticing others in need and then taking time to help them. Bikers rescue and bottle feed a thirsty baby koala bear.



9. Doing something especially charitable and useful for others in their time of need.


10. Putting your own dreams on the side in order to show repect for others, even if they are your competitors in a race.


11. Offering a free meal for a homeless person even if no one is expecting you to.


12. Taking time to care for the weak and injured despite the fact that you are strong are healthy.


13. Going out of your way to do a good deed, even if you are at work and have to pay for the generosity out of your own pocket. A New York City policeman buys new boots for a homeless man.


14. Finding someone’s wallet with cash and credit cards and then just returning it to them with a kind note enclosed.


15. Offering your support to others because you have already been there and remember what it’s like.


16. Understanding that even though you are in need, you may realize that there may be others who need it more than you do. Man with a broken neck who had raised money for surgery donates it to 6 year old boy with cerebral palsy who needed an operation in order to walk again.


H/T: lifebuzz via: boredpanda

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