A picture is said to be worth 1000 words, but some of the images here are so weird that you may need more than 1000 words to really explain WTF is going on in them. From a horse standing patiently ...
Discy Latest Articles
Epic Explosions Make EVERYTHING Look Better… 20 Normal Life Situations Instantly Turned Into The Most Breath-Taking Action Clips!
adminIt turns out that everything looks better when you add explosions with lots of fire and burning flames. It is the difference between a boring clip of your cat and a daring escape by one of the toughest action cat ...
Funniest Top 10 Video Pranks EVER Of 2014. These Clips Are So Hilariously Side-Splitting… #4 Causes Me To Laugh Uncontrollably Every Time I See It!
adminWhether it is a spontaneous joke or an elaborate scenario that has been fully planned in advance, pulling off a successful prank on a friend (or anyone else for that matter) is one of the most entertaining and funniest things ...
20 Great Reasons Why Real Tough Guys Don’t Need Guns, They Just Need A Positive, Can-Do Attitude. (Replacing Guns) With Thumbs-Up!! #20 Is Hilariously Brilliant!
adminOh sure, guns are lots of fun to see in the movies as you enjoy watching heroes threatening each other with frightening weaponry and shooting up the place with big guns. But what if it was different? Couldn’t we somehow ...